Tuesday, April 28, 2009

On a Special Whips Edition of MTV Cribs

I really wanted to keep this blog fun, but I can't help commenting on the news. Monday morning, New Yorkers evacuated their office buildings and panicked in the streets. One can't help but think of the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001. Looking into the air, an unbelievable sight... a Boeing 747 flying uncomfortably close to the city without warning. It didn't pass overhead just once, no...three times!!

Well, nothing happened. A plane didn't crash, we weren't attacked. A few people were injured due to the panic while trying to flee. What is the explanation? Would you believe it was a
government-sponsored photo op. That's right, a freaking photo op!

There are so many things wrong with this it is hard to know where to beg
in, but lets start with how terribly insensitive it is to do this in New
York. New York was the target of a terrible attack. I bet you probably remember where you were when it happened. The images of those two planes are tattooed in my mind. Why do it, for a picture of the President's plane. Have you ever searched Air Force One at Google Images? How many hits were there? Go ahead and click on the link...I'll wait. That's right, about 23,000,000 hits. That is
million...now, lets just take into account the lovely shoes by the same name, and say they account for half of the pics, that still leaves over 10 million pictures of the stupid airplane. Why would they need another picture of the same plane?

Secondly, I am glad to see that my tax dollars are being put to work to benefit this wonderful country of ours in the most effective way possible. I did a bit of research and found Air Force One costs approximately $68,000 per hour to operate. That doesn't include the cost to operate the two F-16's that were escorting.

Here's a thought...could someone please remind our President of the seriousness of his job and that he is not on an episode of MTV Cribs? Maybe the federal government should focus on this whole swine flu thing rather than taking pretty pictures of his plane over the Statue of Liberty.

Video below. For more on this story, click here.

View more news videos at: http://www.nbcnewyork.com/video.

Friday, April 24, 2009

iPhone App of the Week - Terminate Me

Thank you to Scott and Christina for this one. With Terminate Me, you can take a photo of your face and the application adds the Terminator endoskeleton to it. Check it out at the app store.

If you have not seen the trailer for "Terminator Salvation," check it out. It actually looks good. You may remember the story about Christian Bale going nuts on the set of a movie...this is the one.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Rant About Professional Sports

I stopped at Salt Grass on the way home Saturday, to get my wife a salad. I sat at the bar and ordered, and while waiting I felt a bit out of place. I was surrounded by loud sports fans yelling at the flat screens up on the wall. The Astros were up by three runs over Cincinnati.

I am not one to follow sports. I would like to think it doesn't reflect poorly on my level of manliness, but who knows. I just don't find many of them to be interesting. Lets look at the top four.

Baseball has got to be about the least interesting of all. Not a whole lot of action. These world-class athletes sit for half the game, and are considered great if they can hit the ball 3 out of 10 times. How many jobs can you think of that won't fire you if you perform well only 3 out of 10 times?

Hockey died years ago due to a lockout during contract negotiations. Are they even still playing? Ah... who cares.

Football is alright I guess. Its certainly not lacking action. What bugs me are the people who claim to be lifelong fans of the latest hot team. The Arizona Cardinal's success last year was a perfect example. Have you ever met a Cardinal's fan? Me neither... not till last year that is.

I won't take the time to watch the regular season games, but I'll watch the Super Bowl. Any reason to throw a party is a good reason, and the commercials are entertaining. By the way, if you were a true Arizona Cardinals fan, you would have noticed the youn lady in the picture is actually wearing the Cardinal's baseball gear. Did you pass the test?

Basketball would be great if the entire game was five minutes long. The last five minutes of the game is all you need to see. Its the most exciting. Think about it. At the end you get the all the lead changes, the scrambling, the final buzzer shot and a victor is crowned. The back and forth of the rest of the game is lost on me. If the games were changed to dunk contest and three point shooting matches like in the all star game i would watch every single game.

I think I've bashed the major professional sports enough to earn some nasty comments. I'll go after more of them in future posts.

Friday, April 17, 2009

In search of a Lemon.

Not that anyone has ever accused me of being quirky in my life but this Le-mons challenge has definitely made me start to think that finding a quirky beater is in order. I've always had a love for Alfa Romeos and hope to one day own one.... A few months ago after watching the Alfa Romeo challenge on Top Gear I began thinking how fun it would be to set a budget and have me and a few of my friends go out and find our respective Alfas and set up a day at the track; and now that the Le-mons race is in discussion, my vote goes to Alfa!

Now finding an Alfa stateside is not impossible, but one for $500 that still has an engine might be a bit of a challenge.  If the budget was $1500-$2000 it would actually be fairly easy to find a working example, but alas we are restricted to half a grand. Alfa Romeo imported cars to the states in relatively low volumes for decades until pulling out of the US market entirely in 1995.

Now I know that ultimately the car that is decided upon will come down to time and availability, but one car hope...

Quirky and German or Swedish might also be acceptable =)

Three Gents is going RACING!!

Three Gents is proud to announce that we are going racing! Can you believe it? The 24 Hours of LeMans LeMons. That's right...lemons. We are searching for the perfect $500 junker to transform into a lean and mean race car to run an endurance race in October (hopefully), if not in March.
We are looking for a vehicle, assembling a driver line up, researching the safety gear and looking for a worthy cause to raise funds for. Stay tuned for updates!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bald Puerto Rican

So...I was referred to as a "balding Puerto Rican" yesterday by none other than my boss. What the hell! Anyhow, I quickly responded with a f*ck you (for some reason I can say that kind of stuff to her...yes a her), but it got me thinking. What can I really do about this whole balding thing? Lets see what google has to say about my situation.

I searched for "bald man" and among the results I find:

Oh man! I am glad this guy is happy, but this is not looking too good.

Is this the hairstyle that I have to look forward to?

Aw hell! Nothing against Jason Alexander, but I don't see myself as the short, fat comic relief. Maybe just the average height, not-fat comic relief.

There has to be something I can do. Google some more...

http://www.onlyhairloss.com/glh claims that I can simply spray on my "good looking hair."
Use this and presto!
Yeah, ok! I am soooooo sure. I would be better off with a Sharpie. At least that won't wash off as quickly and I can go swimming like in the Hair Club for Men commercial. That hair club...they make it look so easy, and all of a sudden all of the women will be clamoring over your new head of hair and new found confidence. Apparently, this is what they don't tell you:

F*ck that!!

I found a solution that works. Find someone that loves you for who your are, and not how many pieces of hair you have on your head, work out so you can be cool like the Transporter guy and listen to this guy:

"Instead of… Doing a hair replacement, transplant, spray, drugs, wearing a wig, blaming your wife, telling people it's temporary, going to the gym, trying some strange hair loss treatments or expensive hair-loss Solutions or expensive and strange hair treatments, do the cow thing, getting high, seeing a psychologist, doing a headstand, yoga, praying, crying, telling everybody that you are loaded with testosterone, paying for expensive hair-loss products, abusing your pet, doing research, using creams, special shampoos etc...
You can simply shave your head and look better than ever!"

Cliff notes:
Shave your head and work out. It will get you all the ladies. It worked for Jason Statham, why shouldn't it work for you.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday...for some

I just want to take the opportunity to wish all of my readers (my wife), a happy Good Friday. Its not so good for me, stuck at work, but it is still a Spechelle day for all.


Welcome to ThreeGents.

My name is Alexander (that's me looking all happy and stuff up above). I decided to start this blog because I needed a creative outlet.

My life revolves around three things: marriage, baby, job. Sprinkle in some family drama from time-to-time and a bit of traffic in the morning and you have the whole picture. I would like to think that I am more interesting than that, and that is what I hope to explore in this blog.

We'll see how it goes...

In future posts we will:

introduce the other contributors

find stuff to spend money on

share photos and videos

share our opinions on everything (cars, gadgets, current events, etc...)

and most importantly, have some fun.

Testing the blogger

The following is a test of the emergency blogging system. If this was an actual emergency, you would receive further instructions. This was only a test.